July 9

How To Get Top Dollar When Selling


If you’re thinking of selling and you want to walk away with the most amount of money in your pocket? This is the video for you. Here are a few negotiations tricks to ensure you get top dollar when selling.

NEVER, yes I said NEVER take the first offer you get. Whenever a seller tells me they sold their house in a day or a weekend, all I can think is “Wow, they left money on the table, they should have allowed proper marketing time to ensure they got the most amount of money on the sale and the best terms”. If you’ve got multiple offers, always counter more than one. In most cases, buyers will increase their offer or give better terms once they know they are competing with other people.

Always tighten up timeframes and contingencies if possible. Get a higher deposit initially so that the buyer has more skin in the game. Be sure you are certain of the value of your home. If you or your agent aren’t 100% sure about what the home is worth. Be sure to address that by countering out the appraisal in relation to the purchase price. Also, be sure the buyer qualifies and has the funds to cover the difference between the offered amount and what the home is appraised at.

Be sure to always contact the lender prior to accepting an offer and ask qualifying questions of them like have they ran credit, verified employment, and seen the buyers taxes. Is the buyer fully approved and has it gone through either Desktop underwritten approval or To Be Determined approval.

Listen, I can go on for hours about all the things that you as a seller need to be concerned about when negotiating and countering offers.. You shouldn’t have to worry about this and what all these crazy terms mean. That’s what you hire me for. Leave the worrying to me so all you’re concerned with is going to the bank and cashing your check. Call me so I can walk you through successful negotiations and the close of escrow process.


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