June 21

Nervous about Selling in Fort Washington MD


Nervous about selling your home here in Fort Washington because there is limited inventory available and you’re afraid that you won’t be able to find a replacement property. 

It’s a valid concern. 

I totally understand, I would be nervous too. 

There are solutions to this problem.

We’ve got many solutions, and strategies in finding a replacement home even with limited inventory.

One solution is looking at new construction. It’s super important to work with an agent when purchasing new construction so that you have protection. Builders sometimes have homes that have fallen out of escrow. They want to sell these homes quickly because of the carrying costs. 

Another safety net is that there are several phases of construction. You could find a home now and move into it at a later date. You could put a deposit on a new home and work with the buyer to negotiate terms that keep you safe so you wouldn’t have to worry about having somewhere to go. 

There are many more solutions we have to getting you the home of your dreams even with limited inventory, so call me. Don’t worry, there is never any pressure or obligation in meeting with me. I’m here to help you navigate the best strategy when selling.

I’m looking forward to hearing from you and making it a great home selling and buying day!!! 


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